Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The Importance of Golf Course Reviews

As such, it is no surprise that many websites and apps have been created in recent years to cater to the Golf market, meaning Golf Course Reviews and Golf Club Reviews have now become very important to the success or failure of many golf businesses.

Before the World Wide Web came along, we would all rely on‘Word of Mouth’ or perhaps go to the trouble of visiting a booking order to buy a bespoke Golf Course Guide.However, whilst a friends recommendation still count for a lot, the immediacy of the internet means that golf club and golf course information can be updated in real time.

In addition, just like the restaurant market, golf day organizers and ‘Golfing Nomads’  and their playing partners will now source the latest reviews and recommendations on a given course, before they even look to book a tee time.

So how will this change the way golf clubs attract new golfers? We’ll firstly they are going to need to read these reviews and respond accordingly.

If someone has had a bad experience, you can rest assured they’ll tell more people about it, that if they had a good experience. And whilst it costs money to promote your club to potential visitors…research tells us that it cost x9 time more to recruit a lapse customer than getting an existing one, to spend more and it requires some pretty good persuasive powers to get someone to reconsider their first impression, let alone convince them to come back again after a bad experience.

In short, we are now living in a world whereby nothing is bought, sold or exchanged without a review being read, a price being compared or a voucher being acquired, so golf clubs beware, there is nowhere to hide anymore!

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